ACNE CAUSE and TREATMENT Acne usually occur due to occlusion of pilosebaceous orifice by keratin deposits under the effect of androgens. Few factors which predispose acne conditions are :- Hormonal changes in body like premenstrual aggravation in females or increased sensitivity to androgens in adolescence. Little role of oily food and aerated drinks Oil based cosmetics or after facial massages Genetic factors causing predisposition Drug induced- like after corticosteroids Presentation of acne:- They present usually in form of comedons i.e. black heads or white heads Sometimes they heal with scarring and present as scars. Investigations:- Usually not required, excepts in cases where some hormonal disturbances are suspected like hirsutism, pcod etc Treatment Cleansing with medicated soap and water Avoid oil based cosmetics Avoid oily and junk food Homeopathic medicines should e taken under medical supervision- to treat them permanently and tha...
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