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Acne usually occur due to occlusion of pilosebaceous orifice by keratin deposits under the effect of

Few factors which predispose acne conditions are :-

  • Hormonal changes in body like premenstrual aggravation in females or increased sensitivity to androgens in adolescence.
  •  Little role of oily food and aerated drinks
  •  Oil based cosmetics or after facial massages
  •  Genetic factors causing predisposition
  •  Drug induced- like after corticosteroids

Presentation of acne:-

  • They present usually in form of comedons i.e. black heads or white heads
  •  Sometimes they heal with scarring and present as scars.


Usually not required, excepts in cases where some hormonal disturbances are suspected like
hirsutism, pcod etc


  • Cleansing with medicated soap and water
  • Avoid oil based cosmetics
  • Avoid oily and junk food

Homeopathic medicines should e taken under medical supervision-

  • to treat them permanently and that too without scarring.
  •  To treat the underlying hormonal cause without any side effects.
  •  To treat the skin naturally and gently without any chemicals.

Worth mentioning names of few remedies are:-

 kali- brom, carbo- animalis, berberis
aquifolium, hepar sulph, belladonna etc.



BHMS(Nhmc), Ortho. Rehab. (Apollo), MD (Hom)
Sr. Homoeopathic Physician
Ph- 9811244606, 9910015246, 9211483100


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