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                            Got CORNS! ....have homeopathy

Hello, dear readers! Today I am going to share with you some amazing facts about corns and how homeopathy can help you get rid of them without any surgery or pain. Corns are small, hard, thick, rough, dead areas on the skin of hands or feet caused by excessive friction, rubbing or pressure. The most common areas for corns are feet, toes, hands and fingers. Corns are white or grey or brown or yellow in color, depending on the site. Corns can either be soft or hard. Soft corns form in between the fourth and fifth toe. They are small, painful, inflamed patch of skin with a smooth center while hard corns are firm, dry and tender lesion with a shiny polished surface. They usually occur on top of the toes or on the sides of the feet.

Corns can be very annoying and painful. They can make walking or wearing shoes difficult. They can also get infected and cause complications. Many people think that the only way to get rid of corns is to cut them off with a knife or scissors. But this is not a good idea as it can cause bleeding, infection and recurrence of corns. Some people also try to use over-the-counter products like salicylic acid or medicated pads to remove corns. But these products can also irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions.

So what is the best way to treat corns? The answer is homeopathy! Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that treats the root cause of the problem and not just the symptoms. Homeopathy offers a safe and long-term remedy for corns. It offers a pain-free and inexpensive alternative to surgical removal and assures a permanent cure. Corns do not recur once treated successfully with homeopathy.

Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances like plants, minerals and animal products. They are prepared in a special way that makes them very potent and effective. Homeopathic medicines are given in very small doses that stimulate the body's own healing power. Homeopathic medicines are also free of harmful side-effects.

Homeopathic medicines recommended for corns include Antimonium crudum, Sulphur, Ferrum Pic, Nitic Acid, Hepar sulph, Silicea, Ranunculus Bulbosus and Lycopodium. These medicines are selected based on the individual symptoms and characteristics of each patient.

For example...
-Antimonium crudum is one of the best medicines for large, horny corns on feet which may or may not be inflamed. 
-Silicea is another of the top-grade medicines for soft corns between the toes that tend to suppurate (discharge pus).
-Hepar sulph is one of the best choices of medicines for corn that tend to suppurate (have pus formation).
-Ranunculus Bulbosus is indicated for hard corns on palms or soles that cause intense pain.

If you are suffering from corns and want to get rid of them naturally and permanently, you should take homeopathy medicine prescribed on basis of your individual case. Homeopathy can help you enjoy a pain-free and corn-free life!

I hope you found this blog post informative and useful.
Thank you for reading!

Dr. Neeraj Agarwal
BHMS(Nhmc), Ortho. Rehab. (Apollo), MD (Hom)
Sr. Homoeopathic Physician
Ph- 9811244606, 9910015246, 9211483100


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