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Diagnosed with diabetes? or at a risk of getting high blood sugar? Or Your fasting insulin levels are higher than normal range? Try integrating these three supplements into your overall diabetes treatment program as they have been shown useful in regulating glucose levels and promote heart health.

1.      Chromium. A trace element that plays a role in blood sugar regulation, chromium works with insulin to help transport glucose from the blood into cells.

Natural source- Orange, tomato, apple, green beans.

2.     Alpha-lipoic acid. This antioxidant can enhance glucose uptake, inhibit glycosylation (the non-enzymatic attachment of sugar to protein that is key in the widespread tissue damage of diabetes), and help promote and maintain eye health.

Natural source- broccoli, tomato, spinach.

3.     Coenzyme Q10Coenzyme Q10 (coQ10) is a powerful antioxidant that may help maintain a healthy heart, known to be at risk in diabetic patients.

Natural source- fish, meat, soyabean, nuts and seeds.

Along with this if you do exercise and exert your muscles and tissues you can achieve good control over your blood glucose levels.


Dr. Neeraj Agarwal
BHMS(Nhmc), Ortho. Rehab. (Apollo), MD (Hom)
Sr. Homoeopathic Physician
Ph- 9811244606, 9910015246, 9211483100


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