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  Pancreatitis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach that produces digestive enzymes and hormones like insulin. There are two main types of pancreatitis: 1. Acute pancreatitis : A sudden, short-term inflammation of the pancreas, usually caused by:     - Gallstones     - Excessive alcohol consumption     - Certain medications     - Infections     - Trauma or injury 2. Chronic pancreatitis : Long-term inflammation and scarring of the pancreas, often caused by:     - Prolonged alcohol abuse     - Genetic mutations     - Cystic fibrosis     - Other rare conditions Symptoms of pancreatitis may include: - Severe abdominal pain - Nausea and vomiting - Fever - Abdominal tenderness - Swollen abdomen - Rapid heartbeat - Fatigue Complications of pancreatitis can be severe and include: - Pancreatic damage or failure - Infections - Abscesses or cysts - Malnutrition - Diabetes - Respiratory or cardiac problems Treatment for pancreat
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  ANXIETY IN CHILDREN DURING EXAMS and homeopathy Many children experience anxiety during exams, which can affect their performance and well-being. Anxiety can manifest as nervousness, fear, worry, or physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, or sweating. Some of the common causes of exam anxiety are:   - High expectations from parents, teachers, or oneself - Lack of preparation or study skills - Negative thoughts or beliefs about one's abilities - Previous bad experiences with exams - Peer pressure or competition   Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine that treats the whole person, not just the symptoms. Homeopathy can help children cope with exam anxiety by addressing the underlying emotional and mental factors that trigger it. Homeopathy can also improve the child's confidence, concentration, memory, and mood.   Some of the homeopathic remedies that can help with exam anxiety are:   - Aconite: For sudden and intense anxiety that causes panic, restlessness, palp
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  KIDNEY STONES- dietary recommendations-   Foods with high oxalate content increase calcium oxalate stone formation, the most common types of renal stones. If level of urinary oxalate is high, limiting high oxalate foods reduce risk of forming renal stones. Here are few things worth knowing- NO………. To- ·        PLAK and CHAULAI ·        TOMATOES and ONIONS ·        AMLA ·        CHICKOO ·        CASHWE NUTS ·        CUCUMBER ·        BLACK GRAPES ·        CAULIFLOWER ·        PUMPKIN ·        MUSHROOM ·        BRINJAL ·        RED MEAT ·        RED WINE   YES……To…. ·        COCNUT WATER ·        BARLEY ·        PINEAPPLE JUICE ·        BANANAS ·        CORN SILK TEA ·        LEMONS ·        CARROTS ·        HORSE GRAM (kulthi daal) ·        BITTER GOURD   DR. NEERAJ AGARWAL       DNAHOMEOPATHY BHMS(Nhmc), Ortho. Rehab. (Apollo), MD (Hom) Sr. Homoeopathic Physician Ph- 9811244606, 9910015246, 9211483100